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Create a Poet Tree

Thank you to Nottingham Castle for sharing this activity

We want you to create a Poet-Tree. First, you’re going to need some poems – maybe you could copy out some of your favourites or write your own inspired by trees near your house or at school or perhaps Nottinghamshire’s famous trees like the Major Oak (England’s Tree of the Year 2014) or the Bramley Tree in Southwell.

If your writing your own poems, how do trees and wildlife make you feel? Remember to try and use your senses (touch, smell, sight, and sound… but maybe not taste as bark tastes funny!) to fully describe your tree.


When you’ve written out some poems, it’s time to display them – you could attach them to a tree in your garden if you have one. If there isn’t a tree that you can get to, then you could make a tree poster for them (like the one above) or make a tree in your house using clothes pegs. Keep adding to your Poet-Tree over the next few weeks too!

For more activities from Nottingham Castle, please visit their website.
